Are you suffering from jaw pain! TMJ and Botox Treatment
TMJ and Botox Treatment is a hinged synovial joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull allowing the opening and closure of the Jaw and or the mouth. It allows for mouth closing by use and action of the masseter and temporalis muscles.
TMJ and Botox Treatment: The diagnosis of TMJ is based on physician evaluation which includes nighttime bruxism (teeth grinding), jaw soreness, morning headaches and possible migraine headaches.
Signs and symptoms of TMJ may include pain or soreness and cracking or popping sounds. Mostly patients realize that they grind their teeth causing significant damage and pain.
Treatments for TMJ range from pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach. the reduction of night time grinding, eating soft food and wearing night guards. If patient continues to have pain and headaches, they would consider pharmacological approach. The initial management consists of nonpharmacologic management and typically includes avoiding triggers, adjusting diet, pain management, physical therapy and warm compress. Selected patients with arthrogenic TMJ may benefit from intra-articular corticosteroid injections, arthrocentesis or arthroscopic surgery. Botulinum toxin like Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and Jeuveau injection has therefore become an attractive choice as adjuvant therapy in patients with myofacial TMJ who do not achieve a complete response with conservative management and pharmacotherapy.
Botox has been used successfully in patients who are suffering despite diet changes or Over the counter medications. Botox will take effect in about 10 days and reassessment is necessary for optimal resolution.
Numerous studies have shown that Botox provides long-term relief of myofacial TMJ by decreasing the intensity, frequency, and duration of recurrent episodes. They found significant reductions in their subjective and objective pain scores, and all patients with restricted mouth opening had some degree of improved range of motion.
Temporomandibular disorder is a common cause of chronic facial pain and is known to interfere with personal relations, professional duties, and overall quality of life. Appropriate diagnosis allows physicians to identify the disorder and initiate an effective therapeutic plan. Botulinum toxin has provided long-term relief of TMJ by reducing the intensity, frequency, and duration of recurrent episodes. Adverse effects from Botox injections are uncommon, mild and transient making it an attractive option for adjunctive therapy for myofacial TMJ in patients who have failed initial conservative therapy and systemic pharmacotherapy.

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